At Neev, the option of full day programme is designed for Toddlers and Pre-K from 8:30 a.m - 3:00 p.m. We have seen in the past that the interaction with peers and teachers in a planned and structured manner goes a long way in stimulating the child and in extending his/her learning, in a safe and happy environment with adults who are trained to be early childhood specialists.
Toddler Full Day Programme includes discovery time which further enhances their social, creative and cognitive skills by exposing them to various age appropriate resources to extend their learning through structured as well as free, flowing experiences. Children also benefit with the extended specialists time (Fine Arts and Performing Arts); outdoors play, stories, music and naptime.
Pre-K Full day Programme further addresses the skills and the concepts that are vital to the 'Image of the Child: Capable, Competent and Confident'. They will be exposed through learning experiences related to Fine Arts and Performing Arts, which will enhance their learning and understanding of concepts incorporating responsibility, respect and fairness.The Pre-K children do not have a nap time in their full day schedule.