"Optimal performance is tied to good well-being; the higher the positive morale, the better the performance."
-Martin Seligman
Patterns of eating, physical activity, and sleep that are established in early childhood continue into later life. Inadequate nutrition and sleep, low levels of physical activity, and persistent stress in early childhood can lead to later health problems, including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, depression, and anxiety.
At Neev, we nurture physical well-being by providing many opportunities to our learners to become more independent so that they can take greater responsibility for their health, hygiene and personal care and become mindful of their own and others safety. Physical activity and attention to fine and gross motor skills provide children with the foundations for their growing independence and satisfaction in being able to do things for themselves. Research suggests that children who are trained to be independent early on have a greater desire to achieve in school.
Routines at Neev provide opportunities for children to learn about health and safety. Good nutrition is essential to healthy living and enables children to be active participants in play.
Well-being is correlated with resilience, providing children with the capacity to cope with day-to day stress and challenges. The readiness to persevere when faced with unfamiliar and challenging learning situations creates the opportunity for success and achievement. Learning about healthy lifestyles, including nutrition, personal hygiene, physical fitness, emotions and social relationships is integral to well-being and self-confidence, which is what we value at Neev.