Learning Environment

At Neev, your child's transition from home to any of our centers at Neev, is seamless and it will feel like a home away from home where they are comfortable, happy, safe and inspired. Learning environments at Neev provide powerful opportunities to stimulate children's creativity, imagination, problem solving and physical activity. At Neev, we believe that environment plays a role of third teacher and offers vibrant and flexible spaces that are responsive to the interests and abilities of each child.

Safety and security for all our children is important aspect of our philosophy. We ensure that all learning happens in safe and and secured environment.

Environment is thoughtfully planned to be warm, inviting, family friendly and aesthetically beautiful. It is designed to evoke and further develop connections, exploration, problem solving, thinking, wonder and 'supported risky play'.

Children are encouraged to flow freely between the indoor and outdoor learning environment which includes vegetable patches, relaxation spaces, areas to grow and care for living things, art studio spaces, areas for musical play, areas for large scale construction activities and carefully considered learning spaces. Mirrors are used to enable children to see things from different angles, encourage play, and view the world in different ways and to develop a sense of self. Spaces are adapted to each age group from toddlers to K2.

Indoor and outdoor environment support all aspects of children's learning and invite conversations between children, early childhood educators, families and the broader community. They promote opportunities for sustained shared thinking and collaborative learning.